Whenever you see economic, social and political insanity – like Mao’s cultural revolution – you know it’s the hallmark of the Communists, Socialists and Marxists and must be sanely resisted before it lays waste to society.
That includes the current Marxist culture wars utilizing the LGBTQ+ psychopaths and sociopaths to target the children, traditional family and overthrow the moral order to lay the groundwork for the global-homo New World Order.
In other words, if it looks and sounds crazy – such as perverted, groomer politicians in California anti-democratically mandating gender neutral retail shopping sections for impressionable, vulnerable children – it is.
Trust your instincts and moral compass. Don’t give in to the revolutionaries. Resist the cultural revolution…or you’ll lose your freedoms–and quite possibly your life.
For every pseudo-freedom they grant you – like the right to have unlimited gay sex in the streets or donate HIV tainted blood in California with little penalty – they’ll strip you of ten other authentic liberties, not to mention your dignity and right to protect your children from the brainwashing and propaganda.
Civic morality is being crucified under the immoral Biden Regime. And government, once charged with promoting virtue and restraining vice, is now restraining virtue and promoting vice.
It’s called moral inversion…or the Luciferian Twist.
A kingdom divided on basic moral issues cannot stand. And once demolished – at such a terrible cost – they will attempt to “build back better” in their own twisted image: that of the revolutionary, not of our Founding Fathers.
But better for whom, the authoritarian Globalist elites: the Transhumanists and Post-Humanists?