So, “nationalism” (love of of your country) is now a bad thing. Nationalism = racism. Nationalism = anti-democracy. Nationalism = anti-science. Nationalism = threat to the New World Order Globalists. Nationalism = cause of CCP (Chinese Communist Party) Virus mutations/variants.

Sounds like science fiction to me… This idiot doesn’t even know that the Covid “vaccine” doesn’t stop the transmission or acquisition of the virus. She should have listened to comedian honorary doctor Jimmy Dore for the latest vax facts.

This poor woman was “attacked” on social media. That is, people questioned her view of “science,” which is part of the democratic process and scientific process itself since science, if done well, is only the closest approximation to truth at any given moment in time.

The Chinese communists failed to alert the world to the emerging pandemic, indeed covered it up while allowing multitudes of Chinese to travel throughout their country and the world infecting millions. Yet she blames the West. And that, folks, is why she was selected to be part of the anti-American World Health Organization (cartel).