2 videos
Nobody of sound mind and soul goes to church to hear anti-Christian morality spouted along with Left-wing political speeches, except ethically confused fellow travelers.
Biden just let 20-30 million illegal aliens from all over the world invade our cities and towns, yet it’s not enough for this demented liberal preacher.
What about mercy to all of the parents with children in schools where they are indoctrinating them into the LGBTQ+ and transgender lifestyles against traditional Christian moral principles? Nobody hears their cries for mercy and sanity.
Kids shouldn’t be having any sex at all, much less homosexual sex. No child should be a transgender since this mutilating surgery is a crime against innocence. Any parent advocating transgender surgery for a child should be arrested for child abuse and checked out by a mental health professional for insanity.
What about all the American children taking a back seat, in schools overflowing with illegal aliens that don’t even speak the language, that are being neglected in favor of the criminal invaders?
What about all the scared American men, women and children fearful of more illegal alien violence or of speaking out at parent teacher conferences because they think the FBI will put them on a watch list?
You have a mandate, President Trump, to liberate the majority of legal citizens from the illegal alien invaders and LGBTQ+ and transgender madness that was foisted on the American people without their consent and anti-democratically…