It’s obvious from this amazing exposition that the Bible is absolutely otherworldly: it’s on a totally different plane than any other written work. And Jesus is otherworldly (supernatural) too. His words are beyond simple human intelligence unaided by a supernatural force.

I’m stunned when I hear a discussion like this. I’m lit up…

One thing is for sure: In the face of miracles people are driven absolutely crazy: they either kill the messenger, accept the truth, attempt to ignore it…or self-destruct.

It’s also why the supernatural is absolutely not tolerable to the naturalists in any form: utopians, Marxists, socialists, communists, fascists, Technocrats, secular humanists, political Zionists…and New World Order, Transhumanist Luciferians.

Anyone who attempts to build a kingdom of heaven on earth is doomed to fail. Jesus’ kingdom is not of this world. So his message is unacceptable to the world.

The Messiah has come and will come again… However, we must occupy until he returns. So at least we can try to make the world the best place we can, under the rules of morality he laid down and, as an extension, that God the Father laid down through Moses in the 10 Commandments.

Never forget: when it comes to God and the Jewish people, he’s always got a trick up his sleeve. All is not said and done, mystery and paradox remain.

Having a nation with borders, language, culture, history and traditions is acceptable if it is a means and not merely an end.

Choose wisely, but choose. We can’t escape choice or we atrophy. We’re all players in this game, like it or not, believe it or not.

And the game always ends the same: death & taxes, despite our attempts to escape and deny the inevitable and inescapable outcome.