Why? Because the Pope is a Cultural Marxist. And Marxism is a gospel of hate, while Christianity is a gospel of love.
Marxism hates the gospel and loves the sinner in his sin. Christianity loves the sinner but hates the sin and seeks repentance. Without repentance, no forgiveness. But if you don’t need forgiveness you don’t need to repent; hence, you cut God out of the loop, which Marxism seeks to do.
Why? To replace it with the religion of the state, or state worship.
Why? To build a kingdom of heaven on earth and forsake the eternal kingdom of god for temporal, sinful pleasures.
In return for obedience to hedonism, you get to wallow in sinful pleasure without rebuke and are a perfect slave of the global-homo New World Order.
Why? Because the homosexual and transgender is the perfect citizen and conduit of the New World Order and its anti-values, as the elite work toward its high-tech, transhumanist and ultimately post-human agenda…
Hence, the traditional nuclear family – the building block of a sane and moral society – is a roadblock to their guided evolution of man towards Luciferian (i.e. purely naturalistic) ends: man playing god, man as god, or “you shall be like gods!”