When the arch-Globalist villain Klaus (you will eat ze bugs) Schwab praises you, you know you’re on the wrong side of traditional Western Civilization (Christendom) and long-established American values.
So, defending liberal democracy = Z. playing the piano with his ding-dong, asking for Satanist Marina Abramovic to be ambassador to Ukraine, homosexual marriage, abortion on demand, evicting monks from monasteries, suspending elections, allowing American citizen Gonzalo Lira to die in jail and appointing a tranny as the Army spokesman/woman…?
Funny, but Russia seems to be upholding the Christian values that the West once stood for by rejecting the LGBTQ agenda and Globalist push for rampant transgenderism, destruction of the traditional family and degrading transhumanism a lot more than any of the “Liberal Democracies” of Europe.
Perhaps that’s what makes them (including Trump and his supporters) the enemy of the Liberal World Order. They won’t play ball and submit to the humanly unacceptable, Liberal Democratic anti-values of the WEF?
The moral code these Globalist subversives live by is truly amazing…