Is this a joke?
In my military intelligence days, late 1980s-early ’90s [Counterintelligence Specialist 97B/Strategic Intelligence Analyst-96B], I would have suggested filing a SAEDA report (Subversion and Espionage Directed Against the Army) if they tried to push such a Cultural Marxist recruitment ad inimical to the traditional family. Now the Army would file a SAEDA report against me for violation of civil rights for objecting.
So, now you have the US Army (and CIA) officially aligned against the Christian, heterosexual ethos and religious teachings of a great number of Americans, many of them from the South, who serve in the military in droves. Does this make them, us, enemies of democracy and the new America? How can two irreconcilable world-views and set of family values co-exist when they are mutually exclusive? Are we even serving in the military and fighting for the same thing? What about the traditional world view of the majority, unit cohesion and esprit de corps?
Wait till the next major war when they start drafting women, your daughters, to get slaughtered in a conflict with communist China (an enemy our Elite got rich building up while selling out our manufacturing base and jobs) and the illegal alien hordes are kicking back on the beach having BBQs and living the good life at taxpayers’ expense. What will you say or do then? Run to Canada?
Why is the cultural Left-wing minority tail wagging the cultural majority dog? Because Liberalism is a suicidal psychosis!