Interesting perspective in this video. Jimmy’s a Liberal but brings up a good point here. As a conservative vet of military intelligence, my experience is that the “Right” usually doesn’t want to hear about this. They can’t seem to integrate it into their meat and potatoes “good vs. evil” world view. Hence the Left picks it up. OK. At least someone’s on the job.
Check out the interlocking board of directorships of supposedly “competing” U.S. defense contractors that trade (dual use tech) with our enemy communist China and it really gets insane. And dangerous to speak about in any detail (from personal experience). Certainly mainstream media conservative pundits want to avoid it. Keep the subject basic: Ukraine good, Russia bad and you’ll play it safe.
Mention ex Sec of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and nuclear reactors to communist North Korea while at ABB and everyone shuts down or gets angry at you. Many won’t accept the facts of the New World Order (Global Regime of Economic Interdependence constituting aid and trade with communist countries while laughing all the way to the bank and back). Call it willful ignorance or just plain intellectual laziness.
Go against it – like I do – and your government (and private) career goes down the tubes pretty quickly.
Knowledge of it presupposes a responsibility to raise awareness for the good of the nation…but there’s a price to pay for walking point. Call it moral and intellectual combat. Information warfare if you like.
Ex military and cabinet-level experts and authorities adjusting their public war views (corruption of sentiment) to fit their private business dealings (profiteering) is as shameless as it is pervasive–and dangerous! President Eisenhower had the courage to confront it on live TV.
Call it an overt manifestation of the Swamp.
It’s in the military too! Speak out against Marxist woke ideology from on high and see where you get. Few do.
Why? Answer: Duty. Honor. Pension.
And if you get too uppity on aid and trade with the enemy (Red China) or Biden’s dangerous open border policies…or even against teaching transgenderism to kids at school you may just get a knock at the door: