Tucker framed current events in their proper context: good vs. evil.
To the Liberals, Marxists and Globalists in the “government-media complex” this is a big no-no!
Everything must be relegated to personal choice, unless, that is, your choice is for traditional American values. That, my friend, is a hate crime, intolerant, bigoted and non-inclusive.
Why? Because the objective is the de-nationalization and de-Americanization of the country. Not civil rights. Civil rights is merely the cover story.
In the end the social, political and economic sea changes are imposing themselves from the top down under the pretense of “democracy.”
However, we the people aren’t voting for these changes and we’re left no freedom of conscience to say “no!” It’s their way or the highway…
Here he names and calls out the metaphysics behind the Left-wing, progressive and Globalist politics: evil.