Biden and Newsome love the Donor Class because they’re sociopathic (morally insane) vending machines: feed them money and they’ll give you whatever you want, without conscience or consequence… “Democracy” means the long march of socialism to them.

But it’s not democracy. It’s the substitution of degenerate fake rights, say the right to fornicate in the streets in front of children, for real freedoms.

In order for communism to triumph the stabilizing influence of Christianity and traditional family values must be destroyed, as communists profess. Socialism being a dialectical anteroom to communism.

They couldn’t do it waving the hammer and sickle flag because that would be too stark, indeed would alert everyone. So they do it using unassailable front groups backed by the Marxist civil rights racketeers and authoritarians. Oppose a tranny freak groomer and you’re a hater fit for the corrupted FBI’s most wanted list. If they attack your Christian beliefs, well that’s no hate crime. You’re the oppressor!

Now you understand some of the Soviet-style revolutionary tactics. There’s nothing new under the sun.

It’s no small coincidence that homosexual Pete Buttigieg’s father is a Gramscian (Italian communist who advocated attacking and dismantling Western Civ via its Christian roots using culture war) College professor.

The rotten apple doesn’t fall far from the tree–of the knowledge of good and evil.

It’s up to you to discern between the two: good and evil that is.