Government agents may have helped organize the Jan. 6 Capitol riot (The real insurrection…was/is against Trump by the Deep State and their Cheap State operatives. The FBI has been running amok for some time).
It’s not the American citizens, by and large, that are radical. It’s that the FBI has been indoctrinated and repurposed to go after average, patriotic citizens as “enemies of democracy” or “liberal democracy” (i.e. Marxism, socialism, Globalism, Liberal social & political agenda flowing from the top down – veritably by decree – with a thin veneer of legality and false consensus of widespread popular support conferred by a an equally corrupt mainstream media. For instance, transitioning pre-pubescent children to another sex is as normal, natural, and widely accepted as mom, apple pie and Chevrolet. Nothing could be further from the truth). In a word the FBI has become radicalized and those that would speak up, marginalized.
To the Left-wing authoritarian ideology real democracy within limits of traditional civic morality poses an existential threat to them personally since their power is derived from the State under the pretense of consent of the governed. But really, they view the State as god (“the march of of through history). And the State is a jealous god and will have no other gods before it – much less a bunch of racist, white nationalist, nativist traditional-minded Americans, much even less the basket of deplorable, profane Trump supporters (usurpers).
So, much like the old Soviet Union, for the Left it’s a religious duty to defend corrupt state power from all enemies, both foreign and domestic. However, in our current predicament, we’ve got the ideological and political merger of state/corporate/finance/media/academia to contend with as a united, unpopular front to contend with.
The official government/media party line – and this includes many conservative pundits – is that 99% of the FBI agents are great, patriotic, dedicated Americans. It’s only the leadership at the top that’s corrupt.
Radio host Mark Styen is right about questioning that fable. If they are, they why – outside of fear of losing their jobs and pensions – aren’t they standing up against the corruption and outing it? they have a moral and legal obligation to defend law, order, President Trump and the rights of U.S. citizens.
Answer: because the DOJ is recruiting extreme Liberals, Leftists, ethno-Marxists (black and brown supremacists) and Woke sympathizers like James Comey and Erich Holder newly minted from college campuses to wage political, legal and moral war against conservative Americans and the values they, we, hold dear. It’s Soviet-style psycho-political warfare with a modern, high-tech twist.
In fact, the politicized and Left-leaning FBI is becoming the new KGB, just like the CIA became under John Brennan the acknowledged communist. A communist as the head of the CIA? Who would have thunk? Look at the woke CIA and DOD recruiting ads to get a feel for your new oppressors: your federal law enforcement and intelligence apparatus turned inward against the majority. Look at their attempted coup of a sitting President via “Crossfire Hurricane.” Look at their persecution of the heroic General Mike Flynn. The “higher calling” of Marxism is a religion, a cult really and poses a real, imminent and existential threat to America greater than the Soviet Union during the Height of the Cold War because the enemy is now within the the very gates of Washington and freely roams the halls of power.
I think we need a new Manhattan Project to peacefully (while we still can) de-Marxize (de-Socialize, de-Globalize, de-Liberalize) the Government/Media/Academic Complex before it de-Americanizes and overthrows America for good. Call it our new Manifest Destiny.
The Leftists, socialists, Marxists and communists could never attack mainstream, Christian America frontally based on their adherence traditional values; hence, the creation of a woke vanguard of minorities: LGBT, Afro-Marxists, Latino-Marxist, Woke Caucasian Marxists do the work in the name of civil rights, anti-hate and national security. Any effort by the majority of Americans to assert their right to traditional civic morality is “intolerance,” “white supremacy,” “white nationalism,” “bigotry,” “hate,” “terrorism” and “nativism.” Any attempt to point out the disenfranchisement of the majority is framed as conspiracy theory and paranoia by the Government/Media complex (Michael Savage phrase).
I think it’s a fair question to ask if detestable Director Wray, the great liar, is a Corporate [institutional] Sociopath? It’s seems to be a prerequisite to high office now. See if you can spot the others…
Tucker Carlson is literally putting it all on the line by going here and questioning the official Left and Right “party line.” More so than any ex-military intelligence guys I know and worked with. He’s a special breed, that’s for sure. To question the sacrosanctity and inviolability of the FBI itself is tantamount to heresy.