Somebody tell Neocon Mark Levin to watch this…

Don’t be alarmed, Mark, that a lot of America’s enemies are/were Jewish Marxists and Trotskyites and they were also part of the Neocon movement of which you consider yourself a member. A movement which is so active in advocating war which has veritably left America bankrupt, economically and morally speaking. Some might even call it subversive, which is putting it lightly.

Be courageous and truthful and set yourself free. Only then will you be able to martial the intellectual honesty to truly set America free. You’ve made good money in journalism and writing books. You came to do good and have done very well indeed! I can name others…

Cultist Roy Masters (i.e. Reuben Obermeister, an Eastern European Jew) certainly wreaked emotional spiritual damage to Americans and got away with it because his friends, cohorts and fellow travelers sought to profit handsomely off their association with his news syndication business “Talk Radio Network.” It seems subversion and false spirituality pay…handsomely!

I stood up to this group and it cost me a lot personally. Others, should have bailed on him when I exposed him, but instead chose to do his dirty work by looking the other way, to keep their careers rolling. God will be the judge. My reward will be on the other side, their punishment likewise. “God sees the truth but waits!” I don’t care how much money or success you have. Neither does God.

Even Dennis Prager – the great voice of moral clarity – was taken in by this old psychopathic charlatan and used to promote his spiritual teachings and guided-hypnosis technique masquerading as legitimate meditation called “The Observation Exercise.” Anyone with even a rudimentary understanding of authentic meditation and prayer would have noted the absence of proper interior “dispositions” before beginning the “meditation,” and consequent spiritual dangers. Demonic possession being one of them…

Art Bell’s first show after his “mysterious” departure was on cults, so at least he wised up. No doubt, my letter to Malachi Martin on what was going on had something to do with Art’s abrupt turnaround on his former business partner and syndicator.

Sebastian Gorky park has done good financially and professionally, too. I’d like to see him stand up against things like the anti-free speech laws that are being pushed to stop supposed “anti-semitism.” Citizen Free Press, likewise, should stand up against this, but says nothing.

And please, no more of this “anti-semitic” reactionary nonsense. Save it for the real anti-semites, not patriots calling out the termites in the foundation and bats in the belfry.

Then again, Mark Levin, you and your kids are free to suit up and join the military and back your ideology like I did. I hold two ARMY Military Occupational Specialties: Counterintelligence (Counterintelligence Specialist) and Intelligence Analyst (Strategic Intelligence Analyst): 97B and 96B (The number designations have since changed).

Tucker’s guest is correct, especially about the OSS being infiltrated by communists from Eastern Europe. The Frankfurt School commies were a significant, intellectual part of this group.

We brought them into America to flee oppression and they started subverting and tearing America down. True revolutionary enemies of humanity and Western Civilization (formerly known as Christendom). Look at what they done and are doing to Europe. Look at the invasion of Europe by third world hordes from Muslim countries.

Certainly, many, like Soros and Co. are Globalist profiteers and have no problem selling out American jobs and technology to Red China; thereby, helping to build “The Best Enemy Money Can Buy.”

McCarthy was right! The government, media, academia, Wall St., military, NGOs and Hollywood were/are infiltrated by them. Communists, socialists and Marxists, that is.

Steve Pieczenik (who worked for Globalist Kissinger) used to brag on Alex Jones show about having purged the drunken Catholics from the CIA in the 1970s. His anti-Catholic bias was always evident. Those Catholics in the CIA were a bulwark against communism and infiltration of the CIA by leftists. Now look at what we have? Leftist subversives like General Milley, Clapper and commie Brennan. Yeah, Brennan voted for a commie for president.

People talk about how great the Frank Church Committee was in exposing CIA abuses, but what they don’t mention is that they were aimed, mostly, at the enemy: the Leftists, Marxists, socialists and communists. They never mention that McCarthy was right!

Notice, too, the corporate media is silent on FBI and CIA abuses against mainstream, conservative and patriotic Americans. Now that the Agency and Bureau are staffed with Liberal fellow travelers.

An ideological purge is definitely in order, but even that might not be enough and it may be too late.

I’m surprised Alex Jones didn’t call Pieczenik out to testify in his defense in the Sandy Hook trial since Steve was pushing the narrative that it was a hoax. I smelled a POSSIBLE trap for Alex when I saw that. After all, that’s Steve’s specialty: stirring up shit and taking down governments by a coup.

I’m not saying necessarily Steve’s a bad guy but I question his motives. And certainly, taking down communist governments is a good thing. Just sayin’…

Hey Savage have your ghost writer friend Jeff Rovin give Steve the heads up since they’re associates and have him come on Alex Jones show and let us know where he’s been…give us a rundown on what’s been going on. He pretty much disappeared.

I, myself, have been surveilled and harassed by our run-amok government. At this point, if you’re not on some sort of watch list, you’re probably not doing your job as a concerned citizen, citizen journalist or member or former member of the police, government bureaucracy or intel community–and are just collecting a paycheck and fattening your pension.

Or, you’re just a plain-old, selfish, ignorant, group-think, hive-minded rat or worker ant. Rats and ants don’t have a soul…

Yes, “lawfare” will be one method the they use. Click below to hear more…