Communism is now flying under the radar, unstated, but under the rainbow flag of homosexual pride–not the hammer and sickle. People would obviously revolt against such historically oppressive symbolism. But Not God’s post-flood rainbow.
One of the main goals of communism is the destruction of the traditional family. The homosexual “pride” of the LGBTQ+ movement explicitly does that. And that is a product of the culturally-captured West, not Russia. As a matter of fact, Russia opposes this. After all, Lucifer’s rebellion and first sin was one of pride.
Putin is resisting the Global Homo agenda which has infected the West and is exemplified by moral degenerates like Ukraine’s Zelensky. You can call it Cultural Marxism but it all leads back to communism.
The Globalists in the WEF have adopted the communist Chinese model which is akin to fascism with captured corporations utilized by the CCP as agents of social control, change and doctrinal adherence, with the goal of undermining the values and political-economy of the West, that supersedes even the profit motive.
Our corporations seem to have adopted the same Globalist (international socialist) model. Kind of like vassals to the larger communist (international socialist) state. Call it corporate socialism. International socialism is communism. Globalism is international socialism. Hence, Globalism is communism using corporate socialism as a means to a predetermined end.
This can be seen by companies losing billions of dollars but driving on with the LGBTQ+ agenda anyway because “The Cause” is worth it to them. Business failure can be seen as an acceptable casualty of the Marxist culture war, since the function of corporations is not exclusively to make a profit but also to change society.
A bankrupted business is merely another dead carcass of capitalism, which they hate. Free-market capitalism, that is. They’re all in favor of monopoly capitalism. Western corporations love slave-labor, closed-market systems like communist China. And China loves them! There’s less competition and plenty of profits. They also like the no-bid, multi-billion-dollar arms and munitions contracts a war like Ukraine provides. Easy money!
The end is not socialism, communism, LGBTQ+ rights, transgenderism or even transhumanism. It’s post-humanism. A post-human, AI world of synthetic, artificial existence. To live forever like gods. Lucifer’s sin was wanting to be God.
So, in effect, it’s Luciferianism which is pure, unadulterated naturalism and says mortal existence is all there is, so live for today. A naturalism – driven by a corrosive and corrupted scientism (Climate Change, partial birth abortions, sex changes for children, dangerous mRNA vaccines) – which, by its nature, is opposed to the supernatural, divine plan of salvation, or God’s will.
“Follow the science” (even if it means jumping off the cliff like lemmings or sheep) is the fashionable but empty catch phrase of today. Pure naturalism cuts God out of the loop. Hence, it is anti-human because salvation depends on the free-will cooperation of mortal humans with the divine transcendent–in whose image we were created. Hence, in wiping out humans and defacing the image of God in us, those positive attributes which are a reflection of him, it seeks to wipe out God.
Evoking the transcendent God to fight evil is good but Archbishop Vigano sees a larger Luciferian agenda here and warns of Russophobia. He is hardly a communist sympathizer.
The main signal or dark light of Luciferianism is neo-paganism, albeit a high-tech form, replete with the human sacrifice of abortion. In effect naturalism has been wedded to the high-tech neo-paganism of our time forming an epochal “Moral Ice Age.” The pure light of Luciferianism, run through a political prism, splits off into many rainbow colors, including Marxism.

Appealing to fight evil on religious grounds, in glittering generalities, is tempting but the battlefield is one of confusion now. Perhaps this is a Slavic civil war, no? Hence, maybe the temptation to intervene in the name of peace should be resisted.
After all, there are peaceful solutions that have yet to be explored and, in fact, are being vociferously resisted–on all sides. Why?
On Trevor’s side is the fact that largely Catholic Poland, a victim of both the communists and Nazis, opposes Russia. Is Putin falling back, like Stalin did during WWII, on the idea of Holy Mother Russia as a tactic to marshal Christian sentiment for nefarious purposes?
If, indeed, Putin is opposing the Global Regime of Economic Interdependence (i.e. New World Order), why is he doing it with bullets and not ideology?
Was Anatoly Golitsyn correct in “New Lies for Old” that Glasnost and Perestroika were major deceptions? Ones that got us to the current situation of a possible revived Soviet-style empire?
Why are the Leftist corporate press and Neo-Conservatives united in a lust for war? And what of the military industrial complex pouring billions of dollars of arms into the meat grinder?
Alexander Dugin is Putin’s #1 Geostrategist: