Pride: Like a big old loaf of Home Pride Butter Top Bread…baked into your head.

If you deny the light, how will you come out of your darkness of pride?

That picture of two females is emblematic of narcissism: a mirror image of yourself. Such is homosexuality: a sterile self, within a self within a self.

In other words, PRIDE: love of the self-god-self (self-as god), not the god self, or divine spark within you. Self-ish, rather than self-less.

Viz: Stalin, an atheist, was a self-made idiot and he worshipped his creator: namely himself. But he was also jealous god and would have no other god’s before him. Much less the God of the Bible, civic morality or love of neighbor. Hence, he killed millions in his hatred, fear and paranoia.

Pride: deadly as a poisonous serpent to your soul.