Aside from some Climate Change nonsense, there’s a lot of nuggets of truth in this interview.
Imposed Marxist policies always fail–disastrously! Rule by Communists is the authoritarianism of incompetence via moral incompetents.
Why? Because incompetence can only be imposed, not freely chosen. Of course, unless you subvert meritocracy and choose race, gender, sexuality and Left-wing ideological adherence over ability.
That is, you impose unrealistic sub-standards, via ideological imperatives, on a position that requires standard qualifications to successfully accomplish.
Input > process > output. Garbage in garbage out (GIGO). 1 +1 does not = 3: Failure does not equal success…unless you’re trying to subvert and destroy the society you are purporting to defend–while laughing all the way to the bank, Jank!