Michael makes great points in this video but here’s why I believe Savage and the experts are wrong:

Several pundits are is saying Kamala Harris is a threat; therefore, Trump should pick another VP. Perhaps a woman or minority. I disagree.

I don’t think she’s as formidable a danger as these experts are passionately proclaiming. I think they’re overestimating the importance of Trump’s VP to his chances at victory. At this point, it almost smacks of bandwagoneering by the naysaying experts, all vying for Trump’s battered ear on the matter.

To dismiss or ignore the threat posed by Kamala would be a mistake. Unmistakably, it will be a battle for the future of America. Everything’s at stake. And, she has virtually the entire corporate, fake news media and a sizeable chunk of the government Swamp behind her. That’s no small opponent.

Ultimately, she is simply too radical to command our ship of state and won’t be able to divorce herself from the Biden-Harris failures. She can’t escape her record – though she can certainly lie about it – but any future debate with Trump will be a crash course in reality and will only shed light on her ineptitude.

Not too long ago, Savage was pretty much saying Donald didn’t stand a chance at all. Little did he know, on the immediate horizon – like a blazing arrow of fate fired from a crossbow – was a “Black Swan” event: the attempted assassination of Trump, that would act like a shot heard around the world. One that would also galvanize Trump as a mythic figure and living martyr for a cause greater than himself, our cause: making America Great Again!

Ladies and gentlemen, where is your moral vision?

Trump’s post-assassination, Reagan-esque stature as a statesman eclipses and neutralizes Kooky Kamala’s sorry track record of accomplishment, not to mention her confusing word salad responses on major issues of the day. She seems to be her own worst enemy, rather than the second coming – albeit in female form – of Barack Hussein Obama. At least he could speak clearly and authoritatively. She just seems to giggle at the wrong moment and at all the wrong things.

The only thing that radical Kamala + whatever VP she can drag up from the Swamp has going for her is identity politics and the ability to cheat at the ballot box. The cheat factor machine IS the X Factor, make no mistake about. It worked before, it can work again.

In the face of a major Black Swan event – like another pandemic, catastrophic terrorist incident, or worse – they’ll use every opportunity to “cook the books” and get away with election murder. “Never let a crisis go to waste!”

As our economy continues to falter and Americans feel the big squeeze, Trump’s past economic performance will seem like a reliable beacon of future prosperity. Those handsome returns are: lower taxes, a closed border; mass deportation of illegal aliens draining the system; lower inflation and…jobs, jobs, jobs. In other words, “a chicken in every pot.”

Whether he can deliver on all promises is yet to be seen, but undoubtedly, he’ll do much better than failed “Border Czar” Kamala. The first rule of success is to just show up. She simply couldn’t muster the wherewithal to make it to the border in any meaningful way during her failed four-year tenure, notwithstanding the lies of a secure southern boundary.

Trump’s got some strong economic headwinds facing him – a looming recession or worse – from four years of failed Bidenomics and the pandemic that laid waste to many small businesses. Kamala is the unfortunate heiress to Joe Biden’s failed policies and legacy of political and economic ineptitude. And the dust hasn’t even settled on that: over 60% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck.

Never forget, it’s the economy…el stupido. And Americans have a healthy sense of self-preservation, especially when it’s hard to put food on the table, clothes on the kids and gas in the car. Especially if there’s no job waiting at the end of your long commute.

However, large, unforeseen (and seen) circumstances have way of creeping in and throwing a monkey wrench in the “best laid plan of mice and men.” So, I would never count out another Black Swan event. This could also work in Trump’s favor, since he’s pretty much solidified himself as a wartime president.

Never forget: Trump is a man among mice. But now his spirit is animated with a moral vision wedded to a second chance at life and his destination seems sure with God as his copilot.

You see, to be President of the United States once again, at this critical juncture in human history, is his destiny–if he so chooses to seize the moment in surety and faith.

I know he will.

He knows God spared him from death for an important reason, for something higher than himself: to rise to history’s occasion and do great things, selflessly. This is his moral vision.

I believe he won’t let God down. For all of his faults, this is his saving grace. He merely needs to respond to the gift God has bestowed on him, in humility, without presumption or arrogance–and choose to fulfill his destiny.

Sometimes it takes moral vision to recognize moral vision and hit the target others can’t…see.

“In hoc signo vinces: In this sign you shall conquer…”