Had Jesus accepted the Devil’s offer he could have created a heaven on earth, or utopia. That was the offer: worship the devil and you can be granted leadership of a peaceful, earthly kingdom: no war, a United Nations, a communist Workers’ Paradise, a Third Reich, a new Transhumanist Garden of Eden.
But Jesus realized it was a lie and that power was a devilish pursuit and said no! His kingdom is not of this earth. It is the New heavenly Jerusalem.
Many have taken the Devil up on his offer: Mao, Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot. And lots more to follow, I’m sure…
“If you’re going to sell your soul, at least do it for something good!” -Dennis Prager
“For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?”
People trade their souls for the devil’s offer all the time. They compromise their beliefs, their soul (moral center) sacrificing others to get ahead materially and temporally.
Sometimes this is done explicitly and formally (acknowledged), sometimes implicitly and informally (rationalized).
Some believe they are entitled to it. Others are amazed at their success and can’t believe it. But in the back of their minds they know expressly, or at least implicitly there’s a price to pay…that another force was behind their fortune, fame…and glory.
Some profess their love for what Lucifer (Lucy) has done for them, like no other. How deep is their love? Very deep indeed. As deep as their pride…to the point of possession. And why not, they’re entitled to it, they’re special.
The Devil writes the songs…and he’s been around forever…since before the beginning of time even: “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven…”
Quote: Two biblical passages that speak about Satan’s role before his fall include Ezekiel 28 and Isaiah 14. The King James Version of Ezekiel 28:13 states, “The workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created.” Based on this verse, some believe Satan was a music leader or was in charge of music in heaven…
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And Jesus asked the demon possessed man “what is your name?” And he replied “My name is Legion…for we are many!”
And, everywhere, at the end of time, their time, awaits the caretaker…
Some people make a joke out of it…