The West had its beginnings in a manger in Bethlehem, Israel with the birth of Jesus. The West was the counterforce to paganism, on a civilizational scale. One need only to read St. Augustine’s “On The City of God Against the Pagans” to grasp the magnitude and significance of the seismic, global, moral shift.

The West is/was Christendom; however, it is separate from Israel, a secular nation. The West rose before the modern state of Israel and is independent of and superior to it in moral, spiritual, scientific and social achievement. All of this because of Christianity–all the nonsense about the triumph of Liberal Democracy notwithstanding and a new world order.

Israel is a secular state in a greater state of ethical decline than even the United States. Both are in existential crises, ultimately for the same reason: the rejection of Christ and all that entails.

Yes, the Old Testament gave us the Ten Commandments which are required for the survival of the West, but wholly insufficient in and of themselves. Only the completeness of the traditional Christian ethos and world view can provide that.

If she were alive, Hannah Arendt would probably agree with me on the state decline aspect, probably not so much on the Christianity aspect.

The late Carroll Quigley, author of Tragedy and Hope, The Evolution of Civilizations and The Anglo American Establishment spoke of the syndrome of growth and decay in civilizations. Erich Fromm spoke about the same, but on a personal psycho-spiritual level (love him or hate him as a Lefty).

Quigley’s syndrome of national growth and decay is a function of Fromm’s psycho-spiritual syndrome of personal decay. Only Fromm got it somewhat wrong. The individual moral and psychological decay is due to a deterioration of traditional Christian ethics; hence, civic morality. This, in part, is due to misinterpretation and misapplication of the separation of Church as state.

Now we have a secular state acting as head of the family, Church and even proxy for God.

I have Spengler’s book. I dip into it every now and then. The logic is densely packed. The older, more experienced and educated I get the more I get out of it.

Hopefully I’ll come to understand if I agree with his theses or not sometime before I die. Call it a life project…

Spengler’s new Caesarism is a high-tech Dark Age and “Moral Ice Age” of neo-feudalism riding on the back of a technocratic elite hell-bent on a transhuman and post-human future for mankind.

Both Israel and the United States, in their present forms, are participants in this misery game and culture of death. Both are morally and spiritually unacceptable to God. In fact they are Sodom, Gomorrah and Babylon rolled into one.

The current trajectory of the de-Christianization of the West – if it continues unabated, without some sort of civilizational renewal and rediscovery of its moral & spiritual values – portends disaster: a la the collapse of the Roman Empire 2.0–but on steroids!

To pretend otherwise is ignorance of the facts and self-delusion. If you deny the darkness how will you ever come to the light? If you deny the light how will you ever come out of the darkness…?

Answer: You won’t.

In other words the “good news” is bad news to some and vice versa…or worse: no news at all (moral indifference).