Props to Savage for that memorable phrase; it’s becoming more and more relevant as the years of political persecution – The Persecution Years – roll on persecuting.
His 1990s Commonwealth Club speech of the selfsame title nailed it: “Beware the Government Media Complex!”
Prior to his acceptance and invitation by the Commonwealth Club and his noteworthy address – as an intimation of good things to come – I sent him a Commonwealth Club speech by the late Dr. Julian Simon on population and the environment. Sure, correlation is not causality but…
But, If you think it’s a coincidence, you’re right. However, it was more than that–it was a synchronicity: a coincidence with moral or spiritual significance. There were more.
Several synchronicities stacked themselves onto that one – before and after – in a rather dramatic fashion. Perhaps Michael was a bit unnerved? Probably not as much as me though. At one point I didn’t even want to leave the house…
And if you think coincidence stacking is itself merely a coincidence, I’ve got few bridges I’d like to sell you…and perhaps even the Golden Gate Bridge itself.
Those that know, know. “Those in the know” know. If you know what I mean.
Afterall, what is a synchronicity but a minor miracle?
And when does synchronicity equal prophecy?
Certainly, it is all beyond the realm of “magical thinking” and more akin to the magic of life–life before “The Fall” that is.
As a “relic of wholeness,” a synchronicity points to a unity of being before the fragmentation of True Self into the False Self experienced after that great transgression of sin.
And what is the False Self but the distance between the True Self and God?
Is a synchronicity a signpost pointing the direction to life–of the way back to God?
Whatever the case, there’s no need to look for synchronicities–they’ll find you!