Russian Foreign Minister Praises Fox News’ Invasion Coverage + Tucker Carlson A Hit in Russia
To that I say that’s the way the real news media cookie crumbles…
Tucker tries to actually present information to allow Americans to make informed decisions because he knows how corrupted and one-sided the mainstream media has become in painting a false consensus that supports an approved, party line, “government-media complex” narrative.
In this current consensus Ukraine is 100% good and Russia is 100% evil…and this is just not true. However, we are compelled to take a side.
In matters of war and peace that concern Americans – whether to fund, supply and expand a war at beleaguered taxpayers expense, or to opt for a peaceful resolution – accurate information is never a bad thing. In fact it is critical.
Accurate news wedded to critical views cuts through the fog of war, including the ever-present propaganda vapor and spurs you to do your own research and think for yourself.
Mainstream media, of their own accord, can no longer be trusted but so far Tucker has shown that he can: he seems to be on a quest for universal truth, which belongs to everyone. Russia included. The Fake News propagandists be damned–just don’t take us to hell with you.
Carlson doesn’t have to always be right – while shooting at the moving target of current events – but he has to strive for factuality, adjust to reality as more information becomes available and admit his own mistakes–which he seems to be doing. It’s called authenticity.
The danger for Russia in promoting Carlson is that if they screw up Tucker is opt to put them in the cross-hairs too and the ready-made Russian audience may get a taste of the news and views that their establishment media doesn’t want them to see. It’s called journalism.
To that I say that’s the way the real news media cookie crumbles…