Rogan’s totally right.
The unrepentant Libs and reprobate Left will never admit they were wrong. I’ve seen social media posts of injured and dying Libs swearing their undying allegiance to the vax!
One wrote that even if she had injected poison (she was morally superior to the anti-vaxxers because) she did it to herself – and patients, I presume – out of love. While the anti-vaxxers were animated by a spirit of hate! (See screenshot below)
Her narcissistic need to virtue signal to her Lib constituency is stronger than death. I’d bet dollars to donuts she’s probably pro-abortion on demand. Perhaps she’s just negatively projecting her hate onto anti-vaxxers and attributing their love of sound science as hatred. It’s twisted, I know.
Reality is tough love. And tough love is stronger than fake love. Love of the truth is stronger than love of the lie. Why? Because the truth will set you free! Liberal moral inversions and perversions notwithstanding…
It reminds me of the communists who died at the hands of Mao Tse Tung during the Chinese Cultural Revolution.
Some professed their undying allegiance to him to the bitter end, citing their impending death at the hands of the tyrant as proof of their dedication to the cult of communism/Marxism/Leninism…
“I regret that I only have one life to give to great father Mao!”
Liberalism is a suicidal psychosis!