Good article on his personal reflections after meeting Putin. As a Protestant Christian I don’t think he understands Catholic or Orthodox belief. St. Joan of Arc fought to liberate France in God’s name.
How about Constantine? Quote: According to Constantine’s biographer Eusebius, Constantine and his forces saw a cross of light in the sky, along with the Greek words “In hoc signo vinces” for “In this sign (you shall) conquer.” That night, Constantine had a dream in which Christ reinforced the message. The emperor marked the Christian symbol of the cross on his soldiers’ shields.
What the author of the article didn’t seem to grasp is that just because one is forgiven doesn’t mean due temporal punishment for sins isn’t justified. God is not a pacifist.
If this is an authentic religious war Putin may just get what he wants. If he’s merely using religion to support his imperial ambitions then he’s evil. However, God can still use evil for good…
A POSSIBLE key to deciphering the two? The miraculous… For instance, seeming mistakes working in one’s favor or STUNNING turnarounds & VICTORIES. On the other hand, God may just act on a personal basis. You can’t put a box around God.
At the 1917 miracle of of Fatima Mary, the mother of God said war is a punishment for sin. So much for forgiveness without punishment. But she also said unless Russia was fully consecrated by Rome in unity with all of the bishops Russia would spread her errors throughout he world. Was she merely referring to the 1917 Bolshevik revolution and communism or perhaps more?
One thing is for sure: God does not like the Luciferian New World Order. It is Anti-God and Anti-Nature; hence, anti-human. And a religious war is different from other wars. Before Christianity, wars weren’t fought for religion. So, like the Crusades or war against Nazi Germany (thought not fought in the name of Christianity), I believe God does favor some over others.
In other words, true religion is the best reason to fight a war–certainly not the neo-pagan (Global-homo) values of “liberal democracy” (i.e. the right to smoke dope, unlimited abortion, gay sex, homosexual marriage, transgender insanity, destruction of the traditional family, human-animal hybrids [chimeras], Global carbon tax, transhumanism, Red China-style social credit scores, unlimited central bank debt, “woke” neo-marxism in the military).
Christian values are worth fighting for. What values can supersede those that favor eternal life?
Stay tuned!