There are three types of dream cognition symbolism: past, present and future. Usually if there is a moral dimension to it, as in ethical human actions and motives causing the events, the symbolism is looser.

Especially for future events, since human activity, by and large, is based on free will and is not exclusively predestined, although there are elements of such in God’s overall cosmic plan.

And what is a symbol? “A matrix of intellection.” It unites several species of data or facts into a particular representation or picture meant to fecundate understanding, not explain. They are illuminative and evocative, not explicative: focused impressions and snapshots of wider meaning.

The same holds for synchronicities: coincidences with moral or spiritual significance. Or, minor miracles if you will.

You see this with scenes and themes in the Bible. They are particular and historical, yet timeless and universal metaphors, parables and patterns.

In other words, nothing’s set in stone since men can turn back from immoral designs or amoral actions and alter the floating template of the future.

But there are often hints of what’s to come. After all our free will is shaped by our passions which is wedded to circumstance to form an inescapable destiny…

God chose to create a participatory moral universe of being. What was immutably set in stone are the Ten Commandments – per divine (supernatural) revelation – and physical laws of the universe, as revealed in nature.

However, a dream is not static and not a vision, strictly speaking. A vision is something different, sometimes ecstatic, but can have a past, present & future moral dynamic to it also. These are often more vivid, profound and subjective and can hold larger objective meaning for community and not just the individual experiencing it (them).

Why? Because at this point the phenomena has externalized and it’s obvious to outside observers something is going on.

The triangulation of the details of the past, present and future into a singularity seems to add authenticity to what was seen. Sort of like shooting a back azimuth on a topographic map to navigate the land, but this map of reality isn’t physical it’s cognitive.

“Mystical” is another word (symbol of a notion) which captures the essence of what I just described above.

I also believe mysticism, like genius, is recognized. Not simply self-bestowed.

Type “crossbow” into the search function at the bottom right of the front page of this site for related stories and dates.

You connect the dots. I report, you decide…


Here’s are the questions I entered into Chat GPT AI:

  1. Do Embassies Have Dining Facilities?
  2. Do Embassies Have Banks?

Since an embassy often has a dining facility and bank, it can serve to unite these facts into a matrix of intellection or symbol. Hence, the embassy signifies what was seen in the dream, even though this particular embassy may have neither a dining facility or bank.


Because, in this instance it functions as a situational, or novel archetype…of two things not usually associated with each other.


Here is the crossbow dream I posted on 5/31/24:

My Dream:

I was in a restaurant or bank (or both?) and a guy was sitting at a table with a girl talking to her. Standing near and facing him was a guy with an unloaded crossbow. There were other customers in the place.

The guy sitting down with the girl looked over at crossbow man and made a disparaging remark clearly aimed at him. The man with the weapon got angry, pulled out an arrow, loaded it into his crossbow, aimed at the guy sitting down…and fired.

The arrow missed its mark and struck the wall behind him. I rushed over, snatched up the front end of the broken arrow and quickly headed out the door. I looked at the broken arrow and saw it had a sharp, razor tip.

I peered into the front window of the establishment from a near distance and it looked like he was holding the place hostage brandishing the crossbow in anger.

There was a shopping mall next door so I ducked in.

Soon the police stormed into the establishment…and the situation ended.

That’s it. That’s my dream.