OK. This interpretation of Oliver Anthony’s interview with Rogan by Dr. Turley fills in some of the gaps between his public statements and his personal credo.
Perhaps he’s more of a purist as a neophyte or returning Christian and is simply unaware of the larger controversies swirling around him. Perhaps he’s not very politically sophisticated. A good case can be made for invincible simplicity.
After all, Christianity is about simplicity at its core. Simple, child-like faith is an ever present theme in the Bible. However, just because something is simple doesn’t make it easy.
He says it’s not about the Left of Right. But really it’s the Left that are dragging America through the gutter and back.
Sure, we all get the sold-out political hacks and corporate sociopaths on both the Left and Right. Yes, the Right is in bed with the “Military Industrial Complex,” but so are the institutional sociopaths on the Left. And especially in the “Government/Media Complex” (Michael Savage Phrase).
But the philosophies of the L and R are fundamentally different: the Right is for limited government, traditional values & civic morality, personal responsibility, balanced budgets, preserving the middle class, anti-Globalism, etc. More along what this guy is suggesting in his music.
What’s wrong with that? After all, it’s the conservative Right that’s advocating for a comeback to what America once was–in all of its best aspects. But those true, beautiful and good things that made America great were a product of it’s people wedded to purpose as a function of its values. The dissipation and dissolution of all three are a result of turning away from those values. Some call it a Culture War.
Is Oliver Anthony merely aiming his arrows at the rich? That would be a basic misunderstanding or basic Marxism.
His message is obviously Christian, but Christ wasn’t a pacifist. He said “occupy until I come.” He brought the sword, not unity. “Do not think that I came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword.” That is, conflict against good and evil which none of us can escape.
Why? Because it would be evil to affirm others in their evil ways. Maybe Oliver should be a little more specific in his felt concern: a little more committed with his message and perhaps throw in a solution or two.
Throwing up glittering generalities like the Dems do: “liberty, freedom, democracy, hope, change” are not solutions. All of those are meaningless, empty slogans outside of the context of where we’ve been, where we are and where we’re headed as a country: which is straight to hell. On this the rich, poor and what remains of the middle class can all agree.
Besides a nebulous rhetoric of “unity,” presumably with those that don’t share our values (another Liberal pipedream) why not unity with those whose ideals and beliefs will help secure our way of life before it disappears?
If the Liberals have shown us anything, when you unite with un-likeminded individuals, the Woke if you will, it’s like inviting The Night of the Living Dead to dinner…and you’re the meal: they’re moral and ethical zombies. You must always subsume your values to their lack of values for the sake of temporary peace or an unobtainable unity with those whose built-in diversity is only self-destructive.
Ultimately, it’s the peace of the moral vacuum, the void, the grave. Being and non-being cannot be one and the same. And self-identifying as “non-binary” is just another form of nihilism. To sacrifice one’s moral values on the altar of diversity is an act of suicide.
Even John Lennon’s Globalist anthem “Imagine” had more specificity and detail: : Imagine there’s no heaven…or hell…just everyone living selfishly and materialistically for today.
But isn’t that what we have today? What Malachi Martin warned us about: “A dominant self-interest” and “cultural desolation” wedded to the atomizing nihilism of Marxist gender and even species identity (you can be a boy, girl, boy and girl, furry, cat, dog or whatever you imagine yourself to be)?
How can you form a stable family, let alone society, on conspicuous consumption + self-interest + moral anarchy? Man cannot live for the temporary pleasures of the moment only or by bread alone.
There seems to have been a takeover or makeover of Americana and Country music in general by the commercialized Left. Many songs seem to be advertisements for retail products and Woke ideology. As if this can make us all happy.
Not saying Oliver Anthony’s in that camp at all. Maybe he’s even right to be somewhat apolitical. But if you’re going to point things out or point a finger, at least have a direction other than simply at the rich. There’s plenty of decent rich men to go around. And we could use more of them…
Sure, we’re all being driven into poverty, me included. I get the plight. I’m down with the common working man because I am one…