The sacred defeats the profane and takes back the streets…

Another added bonus is that there won’t be any gay street orgies with homosexuals infecting themselves with HIV, Monkeypox and Covid.

It’s like a moral restraining jacket that preserves their health and that of the community in the face of obviously self-destructive and anti-social behavior.

Plus it fosters the wholesome civic morality inherent in Christianity and promotes virtue while restraining vice.

Call it an act of charity and love…

I would like to see Putin and the Russian Orthodox Church and other Orthodox congregations spread these virtues throughout Europe to counter the neo-paganism and Luciferianism of the New World Order, Western, Globalist Elites.

Obviously my Catholic leader, Pope Francis, has failed in this regard and seems to have adopted the corrosive spirit of the world and this age.

I know Victor Orban of Hungary is very anti-New World Order.