Michael Savage criticizes the destructive words and behavior of prominent Left-wing Jews from time to time.
It doesn’t mean he’s anti-semitic to call out certain unsavory features of prominent Jews that can be destructive of traditional Jewish values…and society as a whole.
The more you clamp down on Americans and dictate what they can and cannot think about a particular political movement – Zionism included – the more backlash you’re going to get. People are free to make up their own mind and worship as they see fit and support or not support the causes they see fit.
A lot of Americans are frankly sick of hearing about Israel all the time in general and giving it money in particular. These sentiments are rising as people are facing economic hardship here at home and the border is being left wide open for the illegal alien invasion to continue, while the invaders are given unsustainable, seemingly unlimited, free welfare benefits.
Prager’s never been that vocal about the illegal alien invasion, and I can’t figure out why. Perhaps he’s lukewarm on the subject. In that case, history itself, when all is said and done, will spit him out. America first, Prager. America first.
I, for one, think Christian Zionism is heretical. And I’m not the only one. I’m a traditional Catholic. I’m not obliged to embrace any political belief that I don’t want to, especially Protestant mutations or Liberation Theology variants. Does that make me a hater? Then you’re an authoritarian. Go move to Red China.
There’s over 1 billion Catholics in the world and a large portion of them find the LGBTQ+ and Marxist Woke ideologies as hostile and even an existential threat to their religion, traditional family values and society as a whole. Yet, nobody in Congress is sounding off – or voting for that matter – to protect their moral and spiritual integrity from the onslaught of hate, amoral bigotry and anti-Catholicism. Marxism IS a gospel of hate. That’s pretty well established.
Many Christians believe Christ when he said to fear those that can destroy the soul with their demonic ideologies more than those that can destroy the body. The soul is eternal, the body isn’t.
The more you stretch the definition of anti-semitism, in the face of criticism of the bad behavior of Liberal Jews, the more backlash you are going to get. Not from me. I understand the wicked game that’s being played. But by the average 100 IQ American and 87 IQ Middle East moron.
The ADL attacked Mel Gibson for “The Passion of the Christ.” Yet, they gave George Soros, who’s funding the anti-Israel radical protesters, a medal. Go figure!
When you can’t make a movie about Jesus without being reputationally crucified by prominent Jews as an anti-semitic hater – character assassinated, that is – what do you expect is going to happen in America? People are going to tell those ignorant and hateful Jews to go pound sand…
When you can’t say something as axiomatic and basic to Western Civ (formerly known as Christendom) as “Christ is King” without being labeled as anti-Semitic then you’re living in a post-Western world. A post-Western, neo-pagan world will not be kind to Jews, especially religious ones worthy of respect and admiration.
If one claims “Judeo-Christianity” then he’d better learn to tolerate the Christian portion of the equation in its traditional sense and not try to remake it his own, inoffensive image. The world does not revolve around one small group of people. It used to, before Christ, but now we are all the chosen ones based on the universal Kingship of Christ and unity of Christian faith.
To the Catholic Israel is the Catholic Church. Christ is the new Adam and Mary the new Eve. I know this doesn’t comport well with heretical Christian Zionists like Hagee, the “Meatball with Legs,” but so be it. The Bible isn’t his authority, he’s his own authority because he interprets it as he sees fit. He’s not a serious thinker, or serious Christian for that matter.
Perpetual victimology without self-reflection of one’s own behavior is narcissistic and a Liberal trait. It takes effort to overcome the temptation and easy way out. It’s more convenient to name call and muzzle the opposition than curb one’s own impulses, even if you think they are for the collective good or out of necessity.
When they are based on irrational fear and need for security and survival, they become primal, counter productive and destructive. Like a drowning man submerging his would be rescuer, panic is a terrible companion and frenzy an even worse guide.
If that’s anti-Semitic well then go pound sand–or join the IDF, Ben Shapiro.