This first article is the imminent action to vax all active duty troops. CLICK FOR STORY
Thee second story below from CFP shows significant breakthrough cases of the vaccinated happening in clusters. Now everyone knows the military lives and operates in socially close quarters. If the breakthrough phenomenon begins to effect the military in clusters or there’s significant, persistent, long-term vax side effects like stiff necks, fatigue and brain & joint swelling you’re looking at a greatly diminished, un-deployable armed forces…
IM Doctor Sounds The Alarm On Breakthrough Cases. Quote: Despite Dr. Walensky’s reassurance to Americans that these are very rare, this has not been my experience at all. These breakthroughs continue to happen in clusters. While the unvaccinated positives tend to be more isolated and far less likely to spread and sicken contacts. The clusters are almost always vaccinated as well. I have no explanation for this. It is my feeling the virus is trying to tell us something. This seems to be consistent with constant news reports of cluster events among the vaccinated all over the country.