Good. This will cleave the military into two obvious camps and let everyone know where they stand.
Opinion Watcher’s point of view is this: ordinary, time-tested vaccinations are part of military life. However, when it comes to taking experimental drugs/vaccines – like during the Gulf War – it’s up to every man to do his due diligence on the agent being proposed and decide for himself the cost/benefit and risk/reward consequences.
Right now the U.S. military is under pressure from useful idiots and subversives within – like General Milley and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin – who are pushing Critical Race Theory Marxist indoctrination down the throats of their captive service member, participant audience sowing distrust, corrupting morale and fracturing esprit de corps.
More care and consideration is shown by the U.S. government for winning the hearts and minds of hostile, host nation foreign populations, it seems, than for the mental health and physical welfare of our own troops and their families.
The inventor of the MRNA vaccine himself has cautioned against its use.