Biden, you half-brain-dead, incompetent, subversive piece of garbage! You’re getting people killed with your ineptitude!
Kamala Harris you are a disgrace to the office of the Vice President of the United States. The whole world knows you and Biden are illegitimate and the election was stolen. Afghanistan is falling and you’re over in Asia promoting LGBTQ insanity? I hope you’re thrown out of office soon…diplomatically of course.
Lloyd Austin, front and center. What a disgrace as Secretary of Defense 1) for hiding out as Afghanistan falls a la Saigon 1975; 2) for shotgunning this dangerous mRNA gene therapy masquerading as a vaccine to the entire force structure of the U.S. military; 3) for ruining troop morale and irreparably damaging esprit de corps, unity and unit cohesion by promoting Marxist (communist) Critical Race Theory, along with your trusty sidekick General Milley. That is subversion directed against the U.S. military and should be stopped immediately.
The content of your character seems to be devoid of basic civic morality, along with General Milley, who both seem to be doing the politically correct bidding of the Biden Regime without concern for the negative consequences to national security.
The more the various states look into election corruption the more it is evidenced. The whole Biden Regime should be thrown out of power. History will not be kind to you. Stolen presidential elections are catastrophic. Catastrophic elections have catastrophic consequences as we are now seeing in Afghanistan.
Interesting how military retirees are being singled out for censorship of their vital necessity to speak out during this great debacle in Afghanistan. What are you going to do, threaten their pensions like you did the Marines who object to being vaccinated against their will with the dangerous mRNA gene therapy? Speak up retirees. You earned the right!