Any Conservative Jew Worth His Salt Knows There’s Radical Liberal Jews That Support Hateful (Genocidal?) Marxist, Anti-White, Anti-Christian Propaganda in Colleges and at Subversive Organizations Like the ADL. James Kunstler Just about Said as Much in a Recent Article.
Liz Clayman is Overreacting in Her Moral Outrage.
You’re Going to Destroy Musk, a Well-Respected Figure in High-Tech and Industry, over a Few Tweets? You Don’t Think This is Going to Anger Americans as Disproportionate and Perhaps Cruel and Unusual Punishment? You’re Going to Crucify this Productive, Creative Genius Like a Rabid Pack of Media Wolves?
You Don’t Think You’re Going to Create Backlash over This? Do You Remember How Elements of the Media Tried to Crucify Mel Gibson over His Movie about Jesus “The Passion of the Christ?” How out of Touch are People in the Media to Their Own Country’s Culture and Values?
You’ve Got American Businessmen Giving Dictator Xi (Some Would Say Genocidal Dictator Xi) a Standing Ovation in San Francisco. I Don’t See Claman Outraged at That.
Why Isn’t Claman Outraged by the Radical Lib Jews Attacking White Christians on College Campuses and Indoctrinating Students to Hate their Own Country and It’s Founding Fathers?
Screaming Anti-Semitism against Admired, Major Public Figures for Every Perceived Anti-Jewish Slight is Tantamount to Crying Wolf…on Steroids.