All major countries are developing these weapons under the cover story of vax research.
Dr. Robert Malone said by outsourcing the bio-labs to Ukraine the U.S. can get around legal and other restrictions, just like we worked with communist China under plausible denial of a local, “wet market,” bat soup virus release. You can’t make this sh*t up!
The problem with using these weapons is blow-back on your own troops. The Russians would probably end up killing their own army en mass with a bio-weapon release. I think they’d resort to a tactical nuke first, but that’s only my opinion.
What worries me is one or more of the U.S. supported bio (weapons?) lab research facilities in Ukraine may be hit by a bomb and contaminate and kill the population. Even the Azov Nazi Battalion kooks may try to get their hands on it and stage a release. Where’s the mainstream media investigation of the U.S. funded bio-labs to get to the bottom of this, along with some moral outrage besides the strident attempts to pin the bio-warfare tail on the Putin devil?
We know Putin’s a gangster…but we don’t actually know Putin’s losing this war yet; hence, desperate enough to go bio-warfare since we’re only getting one side of the story: the “mockingbird” media, government-media complex side which states 100% Russis is getting its ass kicked.
Perhaps the truth lies somewhere in the middle. Perhaps it doesn’t…