Biden puts another psycho in power…
Recklessly appointing a homosexual, satanist-sympathetic Monkey Pox Czar – when Monkeypox is predominantly spread through gay sex – is like installing a convicted child abuser to be head of Child Protective Services or an illegal alien to be head of border security.
The dumb Libs can’t see the obvious because they cannot discern moral contrast in the social landscape and political geography. Like a colorblind bat, they’re morally oblivious as they fly right into a wall…or steer the good ship America straight off a cliff.
In other words, Biden’s Monkey Pox Czar has a bias (corruption of sentiment) in favor of the reckless behavior of the male gay community.
Therefore, he will act to benefit his narcissistic, single-mined pathological lifestyle – and that of his cohort participants – and not advocate for the public good and civic morality of the majority like he should, in a noble quest to promote virtue and restrain vice.
He professes his allegiance by his behavior and dress. And that is to his psycho-sexual-social-political pathology. His entire identity and purpose, like many of his ilk, seems to revolve around one thing and one thing only: hedonistic pleasure: psychologically, sexually, socially and politically.
Since, in the suicidal psychosis of the Liberal mind, sex and morality have been divorced to the point where there is no ethics attached to it at all – except “Libido Dominandi” – fornicating in public in fetishistic fashion (like the pagans of old as detailed in St. Augustin’s “City of God”) is normal behavior. Drinking a bottle of urine is merely like drinking a glass of water. Playing with one’s or another’s poop used to be a sign of madness.
So, if you bang your boyfriend, then roll over and hump your dog – giving both Monkeypox like that one psycho did – well, it’s all good since it’s a self-destructive act of love and mutual consent (sort of like euthanasia).
The accepted definition of sociopathy (i.e. being a sociopath/psychopath) used to be “moral insanity.”
They should have never changed it to be politically correct because the term describes the Biden Regime operatives perfectly: morally insane!
However, any criticism or attempts to reign in their behavior on moral grounds – let alone medical or public safety ones – is liable to get you labeled a homophobic, bigoted fascist and open you up to a rolling civil rights investigation by the “woke” Biden Regime authorities.
So, who are the real enemies of democracy? Those that subvert it, weaken it.