Levin’s a credulous dolt if he thinks the numerous U.S.-funded “bio-defense” labs are benign and concern about them is mere conspiracy theory. And naive. The nefarious Wuhan bio-lab intrigue should have cured him of his credulity and naivete. Much like there is a distinct moral and culinary difference between a pampered Chef party and a Chefs in Pampers party–and not merely a semantic one.

Wasn’t Levin a rabid anti-Trumper? Didn’t history rather quickly prove him wrong on that obvious lapse in discernment and judgment that was so apparent to many right-wingers and conservatives? Glad he came around to see the obvious. Glad to have him on the Trump train waiving the MAGA flag.

The Russians have always been brutal. That’s why the Italians & Germans didn’t want to surrender to them after WWII, opting for the U.S. if given the chance.

They’re getting their asses handed to them. That’s a good thing. And a bad thing. It’s backing Putin against a wall. So be it. We’ve got a big stick too.

Did you see the supposed Ukrainian attack on Donetsk that targeted civilians? War is hell. Dirty war even more so. It’s even dirtier when an arsonistic “government-media complex” pours fuel on the fire with lies and public opinion manipulation for ratings and predetermined outcomes that are not in America’s best national security interests.

I think Levin’s “brother” Sean Hannity senses something is wrong in the beating drums for more war. The Deep State and New World Order dynamics that shadow global events are too real to ignore now. Especially after calls for a Great Reset and having witnessed the rolling wave coup against Trump and stolen election. Sean cannot un-see what his intuition and spidey senses know to be palpably true though veritably hidden in plain sight and vociferously denied by the visible, Establishment powers that be.

Everyone, including Hannity (maybe not Mark Levin), knows Lindsay Graham, Mitch McConnell and Mike Pence are political rats.

There were two recent missed opportunities: 1) To reach a peace agreement with Russia and ensure a NATO free buffer per their legitimate security concerns; 2) Arm Ukraine before the invasion fact to deter and punish the Russians.

Peace is not out of the question nor is escalation. Both are sh*tty alternatives because they are being done on Russia’s terms.

The third options is for the U.S. to get involved now before Russia attacks a NATO or non-NATO country. That would be dangerous, especially if China jumps in. India is acting funny too.

Should Taiwan be defended? Hell yes! No questions asked. Like Bush said, “whatever it takes.” But we should never have built them up militarily through dual-use technology and aid and trade.

The sad fact is this: the more the war is prolonged or enhanced the more death and destruction will transpire. Assassinating Putin probably won’t stop the war. Calling for his assassination won’t help diplomacy but it could score the ass-chair warriors and neo-con war hawks duluxe some brownie points with the masses of asses. Expect retaliation. As in Lindsay Graham Cracker having a target painted on his ass by some Kamikaze Russian assassin.

If the Russians bombed a nuke plant full on it wold have been leveled. Use your common sense, man.

If you want to fight Russia then you have to be ready to go all the way. MIG 29s won’t defeat them. It’s liable to get Polish airfields bombed into the stone age. What Putin will do is use tactical nukes to break Ukraine and any other country that gets in the way. He already said it’s existential. It’s Soviet doctrine to use them.

So that’s what you’re faced with. Levin can always strap himself to a nuclear missile – a la Dr. Strangelove – and lead the charge of the American brigade. I’d back that plan for sure. Just as long as he wears a Go-Pro helmet cam so we can watch it in real time.

The problem is, and Levin and Sharansky are correct: American leadership is weak under the Biden Regime imperiling the world. The time to confront the stolen election and Deep State coup was before Biden took power. Now we’re all paying the price: we’re held hostage by a “reanimated piece of beef jerky” masquerading as the legitimate president and his trusty, brainless sidekick Kamala: master chef of word salad diplomacy.

Given our current weakened economic, political and military position confronting Russia will be made more difficult. Choose your poison. But be explicit in your understanding and recommendations.

Half-ass won’t cut it.

I say Ukraine should become some sort of neutral zone with respect to Russia’s legit security concerns. Emphasis on respect. The paths to conflict are many but after 30 years of war in the Middle East, our resources are stretched and finite. Perhaps exhausted and non-existent in some areas…

For many, the American dream is out of reach or dead. Physical death in another serial conflict to enforce their boarders would just be a final insult to their hopes and aspirations for a better American future. The ultimate Great Reset into oblivion for their friends and relatives who are left to pick up the shattered pieces…

Meanwhile, our own national border with Mexico is left open to invasion by millions of illegal aliens – many sick and hard-core criminal – who live high on the hog of our diminishing social safety net welfare benefits while Americans go bankrupt… Welcome to the New World Order.