There’s a lot of valuable information in this video that should serve as food for thought and grounds for further research.
Musk has made billions in profit since joining forces with Trump. He came to do good and has done very well indeed! Multibillionaire villain Zuckerberg’s now trying to board the Trump train after trying to obstruct it and succeeding. All in self-interest, of course. Zuck’s a man without a nation. Many Oligarchs are. But, you know, money. Money, money, money: follow the mo, Joe!
I know Alex Jones is giving Musk a lot of credit for trying to take down the global pedophile network. I have yet to see evidence Musk is behind it. I’ll take Alex at his word and give both men props for their good work. If Musk is Mr. Anti-New World Order, Anti-Globalist then that’s a win for the team.
But Musk needs to be watched and his business dealings overseas, especially in communist China, must be scrutinized for their effects on America and on his ability to render unbiased opinion to Trump on what’s good for our citizens. Because what’s good for Musk economically may not always be good for Americans. Conflict of interest and moral hazard must be avoided.
America first!
Also, Musk’s Transhumanist businesses need to be questioned along with his political and social philosophy and religious beliefs. Transhumanism is the quest of the Globalist Luciferians (evolutionary naturalists) on the long-march toward the post-human Singularity, the Omega Point. Not that of the Christian guardians of Western Civilization.
Where does Musk stand on Christ as the King of the Universe and Christian civic morality?
Musk is a veritable one-man Technology-Industrial Complex that has made billions of dollars off of US taxpayer subsidies and is; therefore, not above reproach.
Quote: Musk owes a hefty chunk of his own personal fortune to the taxes average Americans pay. He just happens to be, notes a just-published Politico analysis, “the single biggest beneficiary of U.S. government contracts.”