Keane: where the hell have patriotic current and former members of the U.S. military industrial complex been the past 25 years?
Definitely not sounding the alarm that our Globalist, Establishment Elites have been building “the best enemy money can buy” with U.S. aid, technology transfer, industrial know how, etc. being given hand over fist to Red China.
We know where our politicians and DOJ have been: busy opening the border gates with Mexico for a few more million illegal aliens, harassing Trump supporters and looking for a white Christian nationalist extremist under every bed. Meanwhile the traitors & sellouts laughed all the way to the bank…and back! Yeah, sounds like they and the establishment media were preoccupied with more important things.
Our elites have gotten filthy rich selling out American jobs, manufacturing and tech while the middle class has languished.
In a war with China it will be the common sons and daughters of the nation who will give their lives, limbs and sanity for a war that could have clearly been prevented or at least forestalled if common sense, America First national security measures had been implemented.
Once again, it’s the greedy corporate sociopaths, Globalist technocrats and politicians who have sold us out.
What can Keane offer besides lobbying for more billions in military industrial complex, no bid contracts and weapons while the world stands at the brink of conflagration? From his description it sounds like, short of a massive Cold War style military buildup, it’s too little too late. You know, Keane’s a great lobbyist for the weapons regime. Perhaps he should have been as vocal in trying to lessen the preconditions that lead to massive war as he is for executing one.
As far as I’m concerned Keane was a little too dismissive of all the weapons and equipment we left in Afghanistan to suit me. I think he should have slammed the military and politicians for that wasteful debacle. Who benefitted from that costly sacrifice of blood and treasure?
We, as a nation, are $31 trillion in debt! Your grandchildren and their grandchildren will be paying for this mess. Much of it spend on perpetual overseas conflict for the last 30 years.
Question: when our young adults are drafted to fight and die defending Taiwan (And I believe Taiwan should be defended against a communist takeover) what are we going to tell their distraught, legal citizen parents as millions of illegal alien invaders get to sit at home in safety and comfort knocking out babies on the welfare dime or relax on a California beach smoking dope, drinking beer and eating fajitas?
Where is the shared sacrifice? There isn’t any: only an inordinate, insufferable burden on the disenfranchised, beleaguered, taxpaying citizen.
And what do we have to offer our younger generation of Americans when they get back from the battlefield besides overbearing college debt, shit-wage jobs requiring a risky Covid vax and a subsistence lifestyle?
In other words, by design, we’re screwed!