Who the hell has been trying to take out Trump from office since before the election, including the FBI? The Deep State is self-evident.

I’ve had a run in with them: they are the revolving door, unelected cabinet level officials (and friends) that rotate from government (Sec. of State, Sec. of Commerce, Sec. of Defense, CIA head, etc.) back to the heads of/and interlocking boards of directorship of/and high level corporate positions and back into government…Repub or Dem.

Mark Levin refuses to see the truth amidst his own Neocon ways. John McCain went along with them.

They are part of private intelligence networks like Bohemian Grove.

They are the powers that be. I’ve experienced their reach. You’re a war-hawk devil Bolton and you’re mistaken Mark Levin. They’re not patriots. Patriots for profit perhaps, but Globalists for sure.

Why don’t any of them, like Bolton object to the massive illegal alien invasion of the US? Doesn’t national security start at home? Why are they advocates of a New World Order?

Why are the Cheney’s, supposedly Reagan conservatives, backing a Marxist like Kamala? Why did Richard Armitage, whom Sean Hannity interviewed, and a former high-level Bush intelligencer with his own consulting business, say he’d vote for Hillary Clinton over Trump?

Follow the money…

Why did Donald Rumsfeld, a supposed Bush conservative, allow Swiss company ABB – under his non-executive directorship (a nice way of avoiding responsibility) – to sell communist North Korea light water nuclear reactors?

The game is almost up. Trump’s coming to town, clown! But the damage is done: Red China has a massive army built largely by western tech, and Iran may have the bomb…thanks to Obama and Biden.