3 Videos:

Let’s hope Hive Mind and group think (not to mention careerism, the pension chase and promotion scramble) don’t predominate over rule of law, love of country, fidelity to the Constitution and informed social conscience shaped by traditional American values.

Or, you could have the Biden Regime military shooting at Texas National Guard troops and civilians who are only trying to stop the illegal invasion of America.

In the case of the Army Ants in the video, they lose the Pheromone trail and start chasing their own tail into oblivion.

In the case of the U.S. military and subversive Marxist “Woke” ideology, they lose the plot and their raison d’etre, turning their aggression inward against the people whose freedoms they are meant to protect.


There’s something deeper in this communist brainwashing scene from the Manchurian Candidate, where U.S. soldiers turn on each other thinking they see something that isn’t true, isn’t really there and is in their own mind.

Being doped up on Marijuana, a hallucinogen, is no help either. In this case, its hypnotic effect on the brain led to susceptibility to the post-hypnotic suggestions of the communist persuaders, propagandists, conditioners, mental programmers…

Like Michael Savage said, “weed is the opiate of the masses.” I’d add “sex” to that statement…

Can you see it? Or, do you think it’s disrespectful to even suggest brainwashing by the Left? If so, you’re a fool…and a tool.

You see, if you see regular Americans as the enemy (white supremacists, MAGA extremists, basket of deplorables, homophobic bigots, racists, sexists and terrorists) then you’re already conditioned (brainwashed?) to view them as less than…

It makes it easier to follow orders to eliminate these enemies of “our democracy” (the Liberal usurpers of democracy love this phrase). Funny thing is, nobody voted for the invasion of America by millions of illegal aliens from all over the world.

Remember when Biden fostered social hysteria and Mass Formation Psychosis, socially shaming people who wouldn’t take the dangerous Covid vaccine as purveyors of “the pandemic of the unvaccinated?”

No, Psycho Joe, it wasn’t cautious Americans who were to blame for spreading Covid: it was a lab-created pandemic from Red China, the “China Virus,” that emerged from a Wuhan biowarfare program. But medical experts couldn’t say it because it was deemed “racist.”

So, now you see… Now, what are you going to do about it?


In the video below Col MacGregor details how the Biden Regime is fostering the invasion of America and wants to use federal forces against the Texas National Guard and civilians trying to uphold the law by stopping the illegal alien invasion: