Does Putin Believe He is the Last Czar and Holy Mother Russia the Eschaton Holding Back the Antichrist or is He Bluffing on Nuclear Annihilation of the West? Alexander Dugin Putin’s #1 Geopolitical Strategist, Says That “Upon His (Putin’s) Decision Depends the Existence or Disappearance of Humanity. We are on the Brink of Nuclear War, so in Principle a Decision Will Have to Be Made at Some Point and It is Unlikely We Can Escape It: That is to Preserve or Not Life on Earth…”
You Connect the Dots and Decide for Yourselves Whether Putin’s Mysticism – Real or Imagined – Will Be the Decisive X-Factor in Whether or Not We’ll Enter Mutually-Assured Nuclear Annihilation. Better yet, let me give you a little hand: So take my hand…
Firstly, I post this interview with Alexander Dugin from a few years back. His daughter was recently assassinated by the Ukrainians in an attempt to kill him. This interview was conducted before the Russian/Ukrainian war started.
Notice his analysis that the West, led by the Neo-Liberals (The New World Order, if you will) has basically become an anti-Christ society opposed to all traditional societies, including Russia. It’s hard to argue that Western culture hasn’t been largely captured by the Marxist culture warriors. Especially given the push through LGBTQ+ rights to transgender mania, to be followed by transhumanism, anti-humanism and the encroaching “High-Tech Dark Age” of post humanism.
One only needs to read the writings of those associated with the World Economic Forum to glimpse their Luciferian/Satanic world view and the direction they want to take mankind.
A few more videos follow the first two below and you can connect the dots… Whether or not you believe in any of this doesn’t have any bearing on whether key Russians believe it. Either you can see it and take Russia’s warning seriously or you don’t. This is where moral vision comes in. Put on your ethical, 3-D, geo-strategic glasses. Get inside the mind of others: humanly, historically…and spiritually.
Unfortunately, John “The War Walrus” Bolton is stuck in a 2-D, flatline, blow-it-all-up Neocon world, so I think analysis of this sort is beyond his comprehension. Certainly it’s within the realm of the rarefied, esoteric, philosophical and even metaphysical. But all things considered, that’s part of life. And all things should be considered. Certainly the CIA and Army considered psychic “Remote Viewing” as a possibility of ascertaining Soviet-era threats during the Cold War. Thinking outside the box and Imagination is key. Symbolism is important…
Think of all of the symbolism, personal and otherwise, connected to Trump’s near-death assassination attempt. Divine Providence certainly had something to do with it. A higher-purpose for sure…
It’s possible that big decisions will be made in Russia soon and that they are not bluffing on their view that NATO in Ukraine represents an existential threat. That is, it’s a matter of civilizational life or death. That, indeed, a world without Russia is not a world worth living in…or for.
That the Neocons of the West have communicated that a regime change and breakup of Russia is desired gives one no comfort. This message has been heard in Russia and is not being taken lightly or pleasantly. It’s reckless, Globalist statements like this that has made any talk of a ceasefire more difficult, having pre-mined the fields of possible good faith peace talks. Biden’s recent use of medium range missiles on Russian soil haven’t helped either.
The Message of Fatima said that “Russia (not the Soviet Union) would spread her errors throughout the world.” The Third Secret – debated as to whether or not the full text has been released – predicted catastrophic results if certain obligations were not fulfilled by the Church/Pope.
Videos are below picture of Putin

Below is Alexander Dugin, Putin’s #1 geo-strategist. Also called Putin’s brain. Pay attention to his assessment of the decline of the West as a post-modern, anti-Christ system. The question isn’t whether you believe it or not, but whether the important decision makers in Russia believe it.
The video below is about Malachi Martin and the 3rd Secret of Fatima. If you don’t know either Martin or the secret do some research. I don’t have time to bring you up to speed…
Putin’s Nuclear Psychopolitics: Quote: 1) Deliberate ambiguity; 2) Post-truth manipulation; 3) Monarchical Secrecy (purposefully obtuse language/intrigue); 4) Domestic Audience Focus.
Discussion of Putin’s use of new hypersonic nuclear-capable missiles and analysis of his speech following their use + the X-Factor of Putin’s mysticism (religious world view, but much more than that: is he the Last Monarch [only to be finally revealed when he pushes the nuclear launch button–i.e. megalomania]) and is it a serious factor in the decision to fight a nuclear war with the West (see Katehon video below)?
Note: According to Putin the decision to launch nuclear missiles has already been made but will only happen when certain militaristic thresholds have been crossed. In this sense, it is event driven and comes down to fateful decisions of the West to use certain weapons and tactics–one might even say the will of God. In this sense it’s a moral decision and a moral threshold. Therefore in Putin’s mind, a just war or just cause?
Is he merely trying to scare the citizenry of the West to put pressure on their political leaders?
Putin is backing himself into a position of either using nukes or facing not being taken seriously/bluffing.
Will Putin do it or wait to see what Trump has to offer? Time – 10:15
Time 11:19: Putin’s mystical/apocalyptic qualities HE IS MORE LIKELY TO USE NUCLEAR WEAPONS THAN ANY LEADER OF THE SOVIET ERA. This would suggest to me that the current war is not a revival of the Soviet Union per Anatoly Golitsyn’s “New Lies for Old” but a resurrection of something more moral and primal: Holy Mother Russia. That the current war is, indeed, an existential religious war perhaps akin to the Crusades (i.e. a genuine belief in good vs. evil and national/civilizational survival).
Thus the moral calculus of war completely changes because nuclear war is seen as rational means to a rational end…but not in the Muslim extremist sense, which is pure nonsense. Putin is merely a catalyst and fulfillment of…prophecy? You see variants of this in today’s fundamentalist Christian Zionists.
In Catholic prophetic lore, there is prophecy of a “Great Monarch” to come before the end times. Of course, Putin is an Russian Orthodox Christian, or so he says. Might Putin view himself as that monarch?
Putin’s ‘Mystical’ Nuclear Rationality: What role does religious martyrdom play in Putin’s decision to use nukes?
The moral calculus: Putin’s values as an agent of rationality or irrationality…
Putin’s values aren’t our values, so you better understand what he values. That is, does he value salvation and eternal life over life itself?
Note: Christian martyrdom is sacrificing yourself, not others. Sacrificing others in religious martyrdom is akin to Muslim terrorists blowing up themselves – and others – to gain 70 virgins in paradise. In other words, a perversion of the Christian notion.
What this video doesn’t adequately capture is that Putin and his #1 geo-strategist see the culture war of the West also as an existential threat to not only Russia but mankind itself: i.e. the transhumanist thrust on the way to an anti-human, post-human, technetronic, Luciferian New World Order.
The last video will demonstrate the belief – in Russian, Putin circles – that Russia is the Biblical Katechon, that mysterious force which restrains the coming of anti-Christ and Putin is the last Monarch in an eschatological sense.
Watch the video Katehon (Katechon), then go back up and re-watch the first video with Alexander Dugin and come to your own conclusions on Putin’s authentic world view and his place in it.
The “Katechon (Greek for Restrainer) of 2 Thessalonians 2:6-7. The Restrainer is the one holding back the Antichrist.”
KATEHON : Russia Against Antichrist (Exclusive Documentary)
This video gets into more detail on Russia’s current position in the world as an agent of Christian morality: that is Holy Mother Russia versus the world and THE NEED TO BRING KIEV BACK INTO THE RUSSIAN FOLD.
Note: THEREFORE, IN RUSSIA’S EYES, VICTORY OR DEFEAT IN THE WAR WITH UKRAINE WILL BE DETERMINED BY WHICH SPHERE OF INFLUENCE UKRAINE FALLS UNDER AFTER KINETIC CONFLICT HAS CEASED: THE WEST OR RUSSIA! THAT’S WHY THEY HAVEN’T DESTROYED IT YET. Trump needs to consider this in any peace negotiations as it will be explicitly stated by Putin. To give or not give them Kiev? Codeword Kiev Mission (Kiew Mission).
The critical point in the video is at time 34:40 THE RESISTANCE: Here Alexander Dugin Putin’s #1 Geopolitical Strategist, Says That “Upon His (Putin’s) Decision Depends the Existence or Disappearance of Humanity. We are on the Brink of Nuclear War, so in Principle a Decision Will Have to Be Made at Some Point and It is Unlikely We Can Escape It: That is to Preserve or Not Life on Earth…”
Here, Alexander Dugin posits that Putin is an immanentest figure whose final, true destiny as the possible final Monarch will only be known…when he makes the decision to launch the nuclear apocalypse. That Putin basically has the destinies of the entire world in his hands…not the West!
In this sense, he might be seen to somewhat resemble the 12th Mahdi of Shiite Muslims: “…a figure in Islamic eschatology who is believed to appear at the End of Times to rid the world of evil and injustice. He is said to be a descendant of Muhammed, who will appear shortly before Jesus (returns).”
Alexandr Dugin: “To American Friends: Common Struggle”
For Soviet Russia, the struggle was against the evils of Capitalism. For the new, revived Russia (if indeed it is not a ruse/long term-Soviet deception) the evils of the New World Order and Transhumanism, led by the “West” is the new evil against which Dugin believes humanity must struggle.
Henry Kissinger’s new, posthumous, co-written book “Genesis” posits that in order for man to survive against emerging superior AI machines he must merge with the machines (Transhumanism) so as not to be eliminated by them.
A sort of Superman, deus ex machina (man as god) must emerge for man’s survival. I guess that means we must die as humans not to die? The inevitable outcome is a post-human world, or post-humanism, the end state of Transhumanism.
Ironic – and a bit arrogant – that Kissinger’s book is called Genesis ( a new beginning, back to the Garden of Eden?). Really, religiously speaking, it’s and inversion of the Biblical creation story: God says fallen man, as a consequence of sin, must die in order to live forever, spiritually. Kissinger suicidally omits spirit from the eternal life equation and says you can have the knowledge of good and evil, after having bit the apple, and still live forever–therefore evil lives forever. Is this not the spirit of Anti-Christ?
So, the West, led by its emerging, global Liberal Democractic ideology (nihilistic/Luciferian/purely naturalistic) is leading man toward Dugin’s explicit nightmare. True or false, or somewhere in between?
This is intolerable to many in Russian elite circles as well as other traditional believers of other faiths.


We are now armed with the dire, woeful truth of the situation…do we believe and act on it?
“And woe implores go!” -Nietzsche
Now, go! Get it done! Love and life! Negotiate peace…
We are the people that rule the world: we are MAGA!
Kiev Mission Lyrics

All quiet on the Western Front…
All quiet on the Russian Front…for now.