I don’t think Russia wants any part of the Obama-style, Woke transformation of their society. Especially after having recently shaken off the shackles of 70+ years of communist oppression.
The entire deranged Liberal leadership of the West fails to grasp this essential fact in their unipolar aspirations for a New World Order. Russia has its own idea of what multi-polar New World Order should be. And its main architect is Putin’s #1 geo-strategist Alexander Dugin.
They see the attempt of the collective West – led by the Neocons of the United States – to break up Russia as the equivalent of the Domino Theory of Soviet worldwide expansion, but only in reverse.
This time the West is the Domino Theory aggressor trying to implement a world-wide, Liberal Democracy (i.e. Woke, Marxist, Globalist) revolution of cascading, manipulated Color Revolutions followed by a cresting wave of technetronic, Global-homo, transhumanist ethos that will sweep away all traces of what remains of Christian civilization.
The ensuing high-tech Dark Age and “Moral Ice Age” would be an insufferable thousand year reich and global deep freeze from which humankind might not emerge.