Dennis Prager said he doesn’t support the bill, that’s good.
I’m sure it won’t get past the Senate. But it’s symbolic of something larger in general and modern politicians in particular.
Basically, the Christian Bible can be viewed as hate speech under this Soviet-style law, no?
The Marxists, communists and Globalists must be jumping for joy! I know the communists have their own version of the Bible. Hitler had his demented, Aryan Biblical vision and the technocratic elite want the Bible re-written by AI to suit their Transhumanist, post-human, and humanly-unacceptable doxy.
So, one could say the Bible itself is under attack. We all know traditional Roman Christianity itself is, both internally and externally. But Christ gave us his promise that the gates of Hell would not (ultimately) prevail…thought they might for a while.
So, to me, this bill/law seems to stem from the gates of Hell because its real intent is as an attack on Christ and his Church.
Imagine that, 1.5 billion Christians, globally, must scrap their sacred hate text and freedom of speech. As a matter of fact, for 2,000+ years Christianity has been nothing but a gospel of hate, according to these shady usurpers.
Levin and Hagee (the Meatball with Legs) have yet to come out against the bill/law(s). I don’t expect anything from Shapiro on the issue, since he’s basically an Israel-first, historical revisionist. When it comes to Jesus, Shapiro sees him as little more than a fanatical rebel who got what he deserved. Certainly not the promised Messiah.
I guess the topic is just too hot for everyone. Savage hasn’t even commented on it.
My position is clear: what does the Roman Catholic Magisterium, tradition, Church Fathers & saints have to say about it?
The Founding Fathers must be rolling over in their graves at these subversive politicians and “America First” presstitute pretenders.
What do I think Levin should say and do? I think he should address it, since he’s a Christian. Say it’s the wrong thing to do to attack the Bible as anti-semitic and say the Bible verses stand. However…
However, they are not a license to attack or hate Jews and should be understood in the context of Christ’s plan of salvation, predestination, fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy about the coming of Jesus, the Messiah and the Jews as the chosen people, from eternity.
In other words, there is mystery and paradox here. And it will be worked out in the fullness of time according to God’s plan because Jesus is a God of love, not hate!
“You adore that which you know not: we adore that which we know; for salvation is of the Jews.” -John 4:22
If you love Jesus you will love your neighbor as yourself. This follows (is with) the greatest commandment:
Love the Lord your God
- 37 Jesus said to him: Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart and with thy whole soul and with thy whole mind. 38 This is the greatest and the first commandment. 39 And the second is like to this: Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. 40 On these two commandments dependeth the whole law and the prophets. -Mark 12: 37-40
“All sanctity is a matter of love BECAUSE LOVE CONTAINS ALL LAW.” -St. Francis de Sales
On the other hand, if the Jews want to keep their less-than-flattering depictions of some of the major New Testament figures of the Bible featured in the Talmud, the are likewise entitled.
Hey, it’s a free country, right? Perhaps not for long. The Christians today, the Jews tomorrow…
When they came for the Christian Bible I did nothing because I was a neo-pagan, Liberal dolt or an over-paid, “America First” patriot-for-profit presstitute that didn’t want to offend the media high priests and lose my miserable career for something as trivial as free speech and the Bible.
When they came for me and my dope, booze, internet porn and fat bank account…well, there was nobody left to complain to–as the communist Chinese hit the shore and enforced draconian state laws on morality, like they always do when they take over.
PS: Love your neighbor!