A couple of days ago I went to the public Facebook page of my old military intelligence unit the 519th MI Bn (Military Intelligence Battalion) and posted Savage’s interview with Col. Matthew Lohmeier where he speaks of being fired for standing up against Marxist/communist ideology.
I posted a message against the Woke ideology in the military and how this patriot had stood up and paid the price with his career while lesser “yes” men, careerists and pension chasers did nothing and even flourished by ignoring this national security threat. I also posted some videos of Navy Seals speaking up against this Marxist indoctrination.
I didn’t expect to be criticized for it, much less indirectly by friends of someone I had served with that apparently didn’t like the expose. Not sure why? If anyone should be interested it’s Cold War era military intelligence guys.
Being a former CI (Counterintelligence) soldier I mentioned that had this been the 1980s – when I served – promoting “Woke” ideology would have been a SAEDA event (Subversion and Espionage Directed Against the Army) and would have been reported.
Not only was I criticized and called disrespectful by fellow soldiers, my posts were taken down by the Facebook censors. I was shocked and saddened to see this sort of behavior from the people who should care the most.
Now here’s the interesting coincidence. There was a song that came out in the 1980s that me and some of my friends liked and captured the spirit of CI training at Ft. Huachuca and serving at Ft. Bragg under Ronald Reagan. MTV used to play it and I had the cassette tape. The song is called “Kyrie.” It’s Greek and taken from a traditional Christian prayer. I felt inspired to post it because of the pain and confusion of living in these crazy, insane times under the Marxist Biden Regime. It inspires the old fighting spirit in me I guess.
I was typing in the message shown below and accidentally hit “enter” before I was finished. Unbeknownst to me one of my old unit buddies was online and commented on the partial post and said that he had just heard the song an hour before on satellite radio and thought it was strange that I had mentioned it. I didn’t hear the program he was talking about. I don’t have satellite radio. It was pure coincidence… What are the chances? The song plus the meaning explained? Listen to the inspiring song lyrics.
I completed the message with a note to my buddy on the coincidence and followed with a posting of Savage’s latest broadcast about our leaders who’ve sold out to Red China. I’m sure that will be censored soon too.
Here is the text followed by the song…