I entered the term both forwards and backwards as shown below. The “” logo appeared in all pictures.
Interesting. The picture kind of goes with the story of the Indian warriors and young mystic girl/boy. I take it this is the mystical Sha-Kwa-Na as a young adult.
Of all the things the generator could have spit out it presented us with this girl. The sameness of the image when spelled both forward and backward – with only a change in race – is perhaps indicative of an archetype, a universal symbol.
In all cases there is a dualistic dark side (Jungian Shadow?) and light side to her face. There’s other features and details in the pictures. I’ll let you interpret them…
Perhaps every society has its own Sha-Kwa-Na?
Note: without dashes

Note: with dashes

Note: backwards with dashes (It changed her from Asian to Caucasian)

Note: backwards without dashes

For the AI translator, I entered the phrase “Sha Kwa Na” into a Yahoo internet search and got this:

Then I entered “Inte Sha Kwa Yehova” and accompanying foreign language phrase into an AI translator and got this:

Then I entered the words Sha Kwa Yehova into the AI translator and got this:

Then I whittled it down to Sha Kwa Na and got this:

Now that’s pretty interesting…