The first casualty in war is the truth. Perhaps the truth lies somewhere in the middle: Ukraine is not dominated by Nazis and Putin isn’t a stone-cold, unreformed, atheist communist?

I have considered, in light of Anatoly Golitsyn’s book “New Lies for Old,” that the current war in Ukraine is part of a long-term campaign to deceive the west and revive the old USSR.

However, the New World Order’s Global Regime of Economic Interdependence with communist regimes like China, through aid and trade, suggests the superimposition of a larger geo-political & geo-corporate structure that will use any form of socialism (Left, Right and corporate) to secure its aims of a Luciferian, world managerial system through the strategy of divide and conquer…while laughing all the way to the bank and back.

Luciferian being a synonym for secular materialist, anti-God Marxism wedded to a soulless, Big Tech, corporate-socialist engine (science) of amoral liberal progressivism wielding social & financial influence and control towards a Transhumanist and post-human world order.

With the connivance of sociopathic and psychopathic billionaires, CEOs, political and religious leaders and media apparatchiks of course.