Mike talks about Freud’s book “Totem and Taboo.” I remember my dad reading that book when I was a little kid and him talking about some of the fascinating information contained therein. He never talked down to me, always discussing adult themes, especially when it came to politics and the rabid Left.
What Savage says about Mother Teresa is correct: she doubted God and seemed to have lost her faith. This is a trial of certain mystics and saints: to push forward toward God on only a memory that there once was faith… It’s the dark night of the soul.
For some of us, there seem to be many dark nights… Hopefully, at the end, God turns on the lights to show us what we know and don’t know.
The great British journalist Malcolm Muggeridge said that even the greatest saints doubted. That doubt is a complementarity of faith. That the only people he ever met that never doubted were confirmed atheists and communists.
So, if you doubt you’re probably on the right path. Just doubt your doubt long enough to swing on the spiral of infinite possibility knowing that with God all things are possible…eternal life included.