Interesting play of light around Michael’s head. It looks like a flaming semi-halo. In Eastern Orthodox Christian hagiography and art saints are depicted with halos, as opposed to the Western, Latin Church which depicts them with the wounds of Christ: Stigmata, crown of thorn marks, bleeding etc.
These aren’t just artistic depictions but authentic, psycho-theological phenomenology of a miraculous nature. St. Francis of Assisi was the first Christian saint that evinced the stigmata.
Actually, the bluish light phenomenon appeared on the wall of Michael’s quasi-altar behind him. Like flames of the Holy Spirit or something. No doubt, it’s just a common, repeatable camera phenomenon or digital artifact – but interesting nonetheless.
Is Michael a saint? Hell no! He’d even admit that. But like I’ve said in the past, maybe he’s more “religious” than he thinks.
Without trying to sound New-Agey, I saw this on the internet:

Michael Savage: If you email me your address, I have a semi-religious object I want to send to you. It is nice and I think it would look very fitting on your quasi-altar. In order to claim it you have to email me the name of the famous person whose name was on that envelope I sent you back in the 1990s.
Only you know what I’m talking about. No shenanigans. Just the object and only the object in the box. You will like this. You can send a P.O. box number. You can have your secretary do it if you want. But he or she will have to name the person. The last name is sufficient.
Email: with the name of the famous/historic person on the envelope to prove it’s you and not one of my crazy readers trying to snag something cool.
You know you want to. You’re too curious like a cat. Even though you’re a dog lover! Ha, ha!
Peace, man.