The three slogans of the New World Order against the traditional Old World, Christian order are: Racism, sexism and homophobia.

The three sacraments of the New world order are homosexuality, abortion and usery (debt slavery).

The three goals of the New World order are: transexuality, transhumanism and post-humanism.

Moral inversion – or the Luciferian twist – is always their hallmark. The Communists and Nazis could never accomplish what the globalists have…in the name of peace, tolerance and human rights. I mean how can you object to that…? You fascist hater you!

Interestingly enough, tolerance only goes their way…or it’s the cancel culture highway. They’ll even cancel a whole country, as they are trying to do with Russia. Why? Because they’re nihilists: malignant narcissists, sociopaths, psychopaths and the demonically possessed. Not all, but many.

Just call them “legion” for they are many…and servants of the Great Beast and it’s Global Social Cataclysm (not an event, but a process…now under way).

There. I just saved you 20 years of research and understanding. Don’t worry, few will believe you anyway.