I used to like Keane a lot more before he recently downplayed the criticality of the $85 billion in arms left to the Taliban in Afghanistan. He just blew past criticism like the equipment is basically disabled and of little use. Strike one!

Granted, Bob Woodward’s reporting is always suspect and I said the same. However, let the Milley transcripts be read by cleared, respected leadership before giving Milley the benefit of the doubt. Also know that the conversation was supposedly intercepted by the intelligence of a friendly nation.

Here’s a few problems with Milley: 1) Milley abandoned Americans in Afghanistan; 2) Milley’s OK with Marxist Critical Race Theory indoctrination of our troops; 3) Milley is presiding over the wholesale vaccination of the military with a potentially dangerous, experimental gene therapy and no liberty is given to opt out without punishment; 3) Milley left $85 billion in arms to the Taliban.

The buck stops with Milley.

Keane sits on the board of The Institute for the Study of War with Bill Kristol the discredited, anti-Trump, neo-con war hawk. Kristol’s policy biases are well known. Call it a corruption of sentiment…towards perpetual war. John “The Walrus” Bolton’s another one. He’s also defending Milley.


Here’s a little more critical perspective: Army Colonel Douglass MacGregor with Tucker Carlson