(The prayer dialog begins at 38:08)

Slowly, as a fine glass of wine, not quickly like a shot…

Meditate on this short, simple prayer. Add it to your spiritual lexicon. Savor its depths. Imprint it on your soul at night, as you lie in bed.

Though it’s a short meditation, you could write an entire book off these few words alone. Its profundity is stark: He is the alpha and omega. The beginning and end…of all created things. The “Thou” to our “I.”

“Blessed art Thou – Lord our God, King of the Universe – Who hath given us life.”

Apply your heart and mind to this spiritual truth in order to know it, love it and put it into daily practice, so that when your final time arrives it will be the fulfillment of your own prophecy, through faith, of life eternal.
