The Western Media called his speech insane.
Whatever Putin means – and I hear echos of Alexander Dugin in his speech – he needs to drop the quasi-Marxist, anti-colonial, revolutionary claptrap and speak in plain, Alex Jones’ style language calling out the Technocratic, Neo-pagan, Globalist elite for their anti-human, totalitarian ways.
And I believe every country has a right to defend itself, so I’m not for Ukrainian collateral damage in Putin’s professed geopolitical quest and war of national liberation.
You don’t fight the New World Order with an inferior military and ulterior motives, potentially dragging the entire planet into nuclear conflagration.

Here’s what Putin’s referencing as far as the Satanic (Luciferian) elements within the Western power structure:
Archbishop Vigano on the Baphomet and Western Elites
Putin’s Geo-strategist on Satanism (Luciferianism) in the Western NWO