2 videos
Then again, perhaps they don’t believe in the the primacy of spirit, God’s commandments and the danger to society of encouraging mass suicide–especially in a country that’s 36+ trillion dollars in debt and is hostile to its older population.
Perhaps some were true believers in the human-caused-Climate-Change, global suicide hoax: hook, line and poison pill.
Maybe some thought it was a cost-effective way to save money for more teachers, like Bill Gates suggested? We’ve let in so many millions of illegal alien invaders and drained our social safety net benefits and overburdened our healthcare system, that perhaps we cannot afford medical care for our own elderly citizens that paid taxes their whole lives.
What if some just wanted to inherit her nice stuff? She looks like she’s got an ample estate…
What if, contrary to the loving propaganda of this death dealing doctor, the women wakes up in hell…?